
IT Staff Augmentation Services

At Tessafold, we empower businesses to stay competitive and thrive by leveraging the latest technological advancements.

Our team delivers cutting-edge software development and IT solutions, enabling our clients to lead their industries with confidence. By offering nearshore outsourcing and staff augmentation services, we help businesses avoid the high costs associated with training and maintaining large in-house teams.

Our mission is to ensure our clients' success in today's tech-driven economy, providing both short-term and long-term support tailored to their specific needs.

1. Identify Your Needs

Share your job responsibilities, required skills, and career advancement opportunities to attract candidates who align with your company culture and project requirements.

3. Interview and Select Your Perfect Developer Match

Engage directly with potential developers through our interview process to assess their skills, experience, and communication abilities, ensuring they are the right fit for your project.

2. Match with the Ideal Development Team or Individual Developer

We streamline your hiring process by pre-screening candidates and providing you with a shortlist of the most promising individuals for your approval.

4. Approve Your Match and Sign the Collaboration Contract

Once you approve the selected candidates and sign the collaboration contract, we begin the process of building your product. Our experienced team will collaborate closely with you to ensure a smooth and successful project journey.

Start Your Partnership with a 14-Day Trial Period at a 50% Discount

We offer a 14-day software trial period at a discounted rate of 50% to jumpstart our partnership. We understand the importance of selecting the right software for your business, and this trial period allows you to thoroughly test our solutions. Our team will be available throughout this time to provide support and answer any questions you may have.

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Why Staff Augementation

Staff augmentation is a strategic approach that many companies use to efficiently manage their workforce. This model provides access to specialized skills, enhances flexibility, and can lead to significant cost savings. Furthermore, it allows companies to accelerate the time-to-market for new products and services. Overall, staff augmentation is an effective and adaptable workforce management strategy that can help businesses remain competitive and responsive to market demands.

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